Cyber Buying for Busy Leaders.

Comprehensive data on 20k+ cybersecurity products and services. Research the market, find new vendors, manage RFPs, skip the cold calls.

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75 cybersecurity categories

Complete market coverage

The arguments are always the same, should you purchase best-of-breed or platform, old vs. new, shiny or dull.

You need clear, unbiased data to make the right decision for your needs.

In short, we take the suck out of buying new cybersecurity products and services.

  • Market Discovery. Identify every possible option for your program.
  • RFP Management. Communicate anonymously with RFP candidates and benchmark competitors.
  • Performance Management. Identify gaps in your current program's alignment to NIST and CIS.

After identifying candidates for your program, you can anonymously communicate with them, share documents, and begin your research. We handle all of the initial outreach and save you from the traditional sales cycle.

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Frequently asked questions

Have other questions? Let our customer support know and they'll help you out.

Who is behind Misty Research?
Misty Research's founder is Jake Reynolds. After spending 8 years penetration testing, building security platforms, and helping security leaders, I got tired of the typical way of doing market research. I wanted to build a platform that would provide unbiased market intelligence and help security leaders make better decisions.
How much does it cost?
Misty Research is free for cyber buyers. We make our money on referral fees if you decide to purchase a platform from our marketplace. We take great care to make sure these referral agreements do not affect the ratings we provide in the platform.
How do I get in touch with you?
The waitlist above goes straight to our founder's email, you can also email us at
My VAR already tells me what to buy, why do I need this?
Your VAR is incentivized to sell you what they have, not what you need. Being a partner of ours is not a requirement for inclusion in the marketplace.